Divorce Documents. Divorce Documents..

I haven’t used these people and I have no testimonials.

However, a company such as this is long overdue in Canada.

If you use this company for your divorce, please let us know of

your experience.

Connie Brauer

What boys are not being taught! Frightening!


What Boys Are Not Being Taught!

According to a study featured on the Tyra Banks Show (2009), 20% of sexually active girls, age 12-18, were TRYING TO GET PREGNANT. Some teen girls willing to go to extremes to have a child.  This is something not commonly discussed in sex education classes, along with the difficulties faced by boys who learn the girl they have been having sex with is, or may be, pregnant . Below are some answers to questions posed on Internet Q&A Sites.

If I get a girl pregnant, will I be responsible for child support, though I’m too young to work?
Yes, regardless of your age, you are still responsible. If you cannot work, the court will set a presumed amount and set the obligation on your parents, attaching their wages. If for any reason their wages cannot be attached, then arrears will accumulate, plus up to 18% yearly penalties, until which time you get a job.

For a minimum $50 per month child support payment, the accumulated amount yearly, plus interest, would be $708. Once you get a job, aside from the fact the payment will be increased to match your earnings, 50% of your “gross income” would be attached to pay the arrears.

What would be my rights to the child?
Your rights are very limited.  In no US State, as well as most countries, do males who have fathered a child with a female he is not married to have any “presumed rights” to the child. Only Germany has such a law, which their legislature was ordered to pass by the German Supreme Court in September of 2010.

Any rights must be granted by the courts, at a cost of upwards of $3000 in attorney fees. This is regardless of whether you are listed on the birth certificate, or even have been living with the mother for some period of time. Further, in most states, being ordered to pay child support does not automatically grant you any rights to see the child.

A girl I had sex with got pregnant; however she has also slept with other boys. She has not named the father, can I still be held responsible for Child Support?
Yes in all states, if you are the father. However, though rare, there are circumstances, under which you could be ordered to pay, if you are the only male she can clearly identify as a potential father. In 20 states, once a child support order is put into place, it cannot be overturned, regardless of paternity.

Can I demand a Paternity test to be done if I think I’m the father of a child?
Yes, this can be done by court order, and should be if there is ANY CHANCE you may be the father. Depending on the state where she is living at the time she files, she can wait up to 23 years to name the father of her child, and file for up to 18 years of retroactive child support.  At the maximum, for a minimum wage earner, this would come to at least $52,000. Added to that would also be interest penalties (3% to 18% per year), which at the minimum, could double the amount.

My girlfriend is much older, and she is pregnant.  Since I’m underage, and she is an adult, do I have to pay child support since she committed a crime?
Yes, there are no allowed defenses against being ordered to pay child support.  Though an adult female can be jailed for having sex with a minor, the child will go to her relatives, or into state foster care, either of whom can seek child support from you, and/or your parents.  Due to being underage, neither you nor your parents have standing in the courts to file for custody.

I used protection, yet the girl I was having sex with still got pregnant.
It should be noted that studies show that 20% of sexually active girls, age 12-18, are TRYING TO GET PREGNANT.  For one desiring to do so, there are always ways to circumvent any form of protection.  It should also be noted that according to the United Nations World Health Organization, the Spermicidal Cream in condoms have a limited shelf life of effectiveness.

I only had oral sex with a girl, yet she is now claiming that she is pregnant by me.  How can this be possible?
In 2005,  Dr. Richard O. Phillips of Illinois, was ordered to pay child support after only having oral sex with a woman, who became pregnant. She had made use of a Self Insemination Kit, available online, to impregnate herself. Note that as it is with women having sex with a minor, the cause of the pregnancy is not considered a defense against paying child support. Some teen girls are willing to go to extremes to have a child.

If my girlfriend gets pregnant, but does not want the child, can I stop her from getting an abortion?
No. Regardless of your personal, political, or religious views, the law of the land grant females of all ages this right. This is something one must consider before making a choice of character, as in having sex outside marriage.

My pregnant girlfriend says she plans to put my child up for adoption. Can she do this without my permission?

This is a controversial area that has been in the news in the last 12 months.  In Ohio, for six years, a couple has fought against the father of their adopted child, who from right after the time of the birth, has tried to gain custody of his child that the mother place up for adoption. He finally won custody in December, but the case is not being appealed to the US Supreme Court.

The laws on your right to stop an adoption vary from state to state. In Kansas, you must be paying for 50% of the financial cost of the pregnancy, starting within eight weeks of conception. This can be difficult is you did not know she was pregnant, or claimed you were not the father.

In some states, you must register with the state any time you have sex with a female, to whom you are not married, in order to challenge any possible adoption.Safe Have Laws By State Statute Of Limitations

Most states have Putative Father registries, whereas you must register within 24-hours or up to two months, following the birth. However, they do not advertise this fact.

Many fathers have found, as a result of not registering, that they cannot stop the adoption, even after they have begun paying child support. Further, in states with Safe Haven Laws, the mother has up to one year to abandon the child, “NO QUESTIONS ASKED”, which can happen after the father has been ordered to pay child support.

Read the rest of the story here.

Calling all people in Canada to stop, look and sign petition for justice.

Canada Petition For Justice | Save our Families from Judicial and government corruption

Sign Here!

Canadian Petition for Justice for Parents.

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Goal : 1 / 5000


We, the undersigned, residents of Canada, draw the attention of the House to the following:


1. The Federal Recommended Child Support Guidelines, the Divorce Act, the Matrimonial Property Act and unequal, arbitrary access orders are unconstitutional. They violate Sect. 7, 15.1 and 28 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
2. The judicial system treats divorced parents unequally and discriminates against one parent while systematically rewarding the other parent. This continues until past age of majority.
3. Judges have unlimited power to seize children for any arbitrary reason and adopt them out without evidence of abuse. Judges have unlimited power to interfere in parents lives and control their children.
4. Sect. 24 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is violated. There is no court of competent jurisdiction and there are no judges that uphold the guaranteed Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. There is no legal counsel available that offers Charter Rights service in Canada. Victims have no recourse.
5. The police arbitrarily refuse to provide protection to victims if there is a civil case involved, currently or previously, especially in family law.

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Petition against Family Law Corruption

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Sign the Canadian Petition for Justice!

Canada Petition




We, the undersigned, citizens (or residents) of Canada draw the attention of the House to the following:


1.      The Federal Recommended Child Support Guidelines, the Divorce Act, the Matrimonial Property Act and unequal, arbitrary access orders are unconstitutional. They violate Sect. 7, 15.1 and 28 of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

2.      Canada treats divorced parents unequally and discriminates against one parent while systematically rewarding the other parent.

3.      Judges have unlimited power to seize children for any arbitrary reason and adopt them out without evidence. Judges have unlimited power to interfere in parents lives.

4.      Canada violates Sect. 24 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. There is no court of competent jurisdiction and there are no judges that uphold the GUARANTEED Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. There is no legal counsel available that offers Charter Rights service.

5.      The police refuse to provide protection to victims if there is a civil case involved especially family law.

THEREFORE, your petitioners call upon Parliament To:

1.      Uphold the GUARANTEED Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and immediately provide competent, legal counsel, absorb all costs, and ensure that all judges are trained and ready to hear complaints.

2.      Repeal the Divorce Act, the Matrimonial Property Act and the Federal Recommended Child Support Guidelines and replace them with spousal and parental consent agreements and fair, negotiated divorce settlements.  We request that this user friendly solution is to supersede any court applications.

3.      Provide financial compensation to all affected, displaced families since the GUARANTEED Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms was implemented on April 17, 1982.

4.      Ensure that police serve and protect citizens regardless of pending or current civil action. When a complaint is filed with police they should investigate and proceed with actions without restrictions.

Sign the petition here!

Statement of Grievance or Opinion

1.       The Federal Recommended Child Support Guidelines, the Divorce Act, the Matrimonial Property Act and unequal, arbitrary access orders are unconstitutional. They violate Sect. 7, 15.1 and 28 of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the inalienable rights of both parents to raise their own children as they see fit.

2.       That Canada is engaged in a reign of terror against families. It targets divorced and child apprehension ordered families and violates their Canadian Charter Rights and parental rights and destroys their lives forever. Canada treats divorced parents unequally and discriminates against one parent while systematically rewarding the other parent.

3.       Judges have the power to seize children for any arbitrary reason and adopt them out without a valid reason or any criminal conviction against the parents relating to the welfare of the child.

4.       Judges have unlimited power to interfere in parents lives and make all parenting decisions while downloading arbitrary costs onto the parents until long past the age of majority.

5.       Canada violates Sect. 24 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. There is no court of competent jurisdiction and no judge that upholds the GUARANTEED Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. There is no legal counsel available anywhere in Canada that offers Charter Rights service.

6.       Parents and families are victimized by unconstitutional family law practices. Judges violate parents’ rights by awarding complicated, unnatural, unequal, unconstitutional, unending, exclusionary and biased court orders. Canada has implemented a cult of exclusion, entitlement and alienation against the other parent and their families. The parents are completely at the mercy of the judges for very long periods of time. This slavery lasts for years until the family is financially bankrupt and any relationship with the children is completely destroyed. This continues for multiple generations. Canada is committing Crimes against Humanity.

7.       Judges have unlimited power to ruin a family. Judges arbitrarily interfere in a divorced family’s normal daily life.  In addition to mandatory child support, they force parents to pay for unwanted, arbitrary, unnecessary expenses, bogus medical costs, exorbitantly expensive private schools, universities, extended university tuition, and long term child support for adults who have no illness and are not attending post secondary education. Throughout the life of the child and long past the age of majority, the judge is in control and makes all family decisions while downloading all the expenses onto the parents, especially the non custodial parent.

8.       Divorced parents do not have the right to enter into their own negotiated divorce settlement and negotiated child parenting plan as the Federal Child Support Guidelines are mandatory.

9.       Canada and the police are not protecting people under the law, especially in family court and in criminal court. Victims are not getting help from the police and the courts when a crime(s) are committed against them. They refuse to lay charges.

10.   Divorced spouses are treated differently. One parent/spouse loses everything and the other parent/spouse gets everything, all the time. Children, home, assets and income are unfairly seized and redistributed to the other spouse without any consideration for the displaced parent. This is unconstitutional and violates Sect. 7, 15.1 and 28 of the GUARANTEED Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

11.   Canada has implemented mandatory child support. It is a huge incentive to deny the other parent access to children on an equal shared custody basis. Spouses who provide equal shared custody could lose their child support. Both parents should be responsible for their own child care expenses.

12.   Canada has violated the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and in particular, Sect. 24 of the GUARANTEED Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. There is no court of competent jurisdiction and no judge that upholds the GUARANTEED Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. There is no conflict – free, competent, legal counsel or law firm that will provide Charter Rights service to the victims. There is no funding. Canadians are not protected. There is no GUARANTEED Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This is the biggest fraud committed against Canadians by the government of Canada.

13.   Canadian non custodial parents’ rights have been irreparably violated and abused by the Canadian judicial system when it comes to their parental rights, their children, their homes and their incomes. They have suffered extreme mental, family, social, alienation and financial destruction to their families. This destruction will continue into the next generations of children and their families. Their children have been taken away either by force, alienation or greed and they will never, ever recover.

Sign here! Warning! Canada is not safe for families!

Connie Brauer and Victor Harris

For all the people of Canada who want to raise their own children  and live in peace!

Falmouth, NS Canada

Calling all people in Canada to stop, look and sign petition for justice.

Canada Petition For Justice | Save our Families from Judicial and government corruption

Sign Here!

Canadian Petition for Justice for Parents.

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We, the undersigned, residents of Canada, draw the attention of the House to the following:


1. The Federal Recommended Child Support Guidelines, the Divorce Act, the Matrimonial Property Act and unequal, arbitrary access orders are unconstitutional. They violate Sect. 7, 15.1 and 28 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
2. The judicial system treats divorced parents unequally and discriminates against one parent while systematically rewarding the other parent. This continues until past age of majority.
3. Judges have unlimited power to seize children for any arbitrary reason and adopt them out without evidence of abuse. Judges have unlimited power to interfere in parents lives and control their children.
4. Sect. 24 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is violated. There is no court of competent jurisdiction and there are no judges that uphold the guaranteed Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. There is no legal counsel available that offers Charter Rights service in Canada. Victims have no recourse.
5. The police arbitrarily refuse to provide protection to victims if there is a civil case involved, currently or previously, especially in family law.

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Calling on all Canadians to stop, look and sign petition for justice!

Canadian Petition for Justice for Parents.



We, the undersigned, residents of Canada, draw the attention of the House to the following:


1. The Federal Recommended Child Support Guidelines, the Divorce Act, the Matrimonial Property Act and unequal, arbitrary access orders are unconstitutional. They violate Sect. 7, 15.1 and 28 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
2. The judicial system treats divorced parents unequally and discriminates against one parent while systematically rewarding the other parent. This continues until past age of majority.
3. Judges have unlimited power to seize children for any arbitrary reason and adopt them out without evidence of abuse. Judges have unlimited power to interfere in parents lives and control their children.
4. Sect. 24 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is violated. There is no court of competent jurisdiction and there are no judges that uphold the guaranteed Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. There is no legal counsel available that offers Charter Rights service in Canada. Victims have no recourse.
5. The police arbitrarily refuse to provide protection to victims if there is a civil case involved, currently or previously, especially in family law.

To sign petition and read more, click here now.